Thursday, 28 June 2012

It is not only about books

          My life as a doctoral student in Germany has been filled with good coffees, rose gardens, a lot of reading, wonderful hikes in the forests, a lot of reading and wild swimming by the lakes, tons of flowers, writing M in every opportunity how much I miss him, a lot of reading and sunbathing in one of the oldest pools in Freiburg, a lot of writing in an office with a view, and wonderful surprises waiting for me at home- including: a husband in need of attention.

1 comment:

cjgorricho said...

No había recibido noticias de esta publicación, debido a que me borraste de tu lista de correo. Sin embargo sigo chequeando y encuentro estas bellas fotos que reflejan la herencia artística de tu padre, desde cuando plagiabas mis fotos... algo se te pegó.

Felicitaciones tienes unexcelente sentido de la composición y por favor inclúyeme en tu lista de correo nuevamente... Si? Si?