“A portrait of our daughter, once a week, every week, in 2015” Sophia: Painting with Isa – one of your favourite friends in Cali! Last year’s 36/52 portrait.
This is a very special portrait of Sophia on a “Colombian horse”, taken with an American 1930s standing camera in Popayan’s central square. Each and every representative of her Colombian grandparents’ generation had their photo taken on a horse just like that on any old town square anywhere in Colombia! Isn’t that right, Julia Ines….? Last Year's 35/52 portrait.
“A portrait of our daughter, once a week, every week, in 2015” Sophia: We loved catching up with our good friends in a very British summer! Last year’s 33/52 portrait + prevoius meetings of the same gang here , here and here.
“A portrait of our daughter, once a week, every week, in 2015” Sophia: A Giraffe, a Ladybug and a Zebra - hanging around at Brighton’s library! Last year’s 29/52 portrait.
Hello! I am Julia, Colombian and married to my best friend, M. This is my blog about our day-to-day life, nature conservation, photography, long walks and conversations… and basically all the things I am passionate about. I hope you enjoy these bits of our life - Thanks for stopping by!