2014 was a really BIG year for us, with massive changes and profound life lessons! It’s been good documenting so many little things that filled our lives with joy.
Worry and fear accompanied the decisions we took. I felt anxious about letting uncertainty back into our lives. The prospect of returning to Colombia was an unexpected turn: it appeared to be just that ONE opportunity we had desperately been seeking. But it also meant closing the “Sussex chapter” too soon; at times it felt overwhelming. After many days of deep thought we finally worked our way towards embracing the change and I just told myself to get on with it. Since then, my motto has been to experience change as something exciting and thrilling, to ease the resistance that more often than not still haunts me, and to just let it flow and discover all the great – amusing, little and big - things that come with life changes.
Now, we are (almost) settled in Cali – the Colombian city where I grew up. We are slowly finding the way to live our lives in more simple terms, holding tight to the life lessons we brought with us, trying to embrace wisdom - the tree of life.
And so, as we prepare for the New Year we wholeheartedly wish you all a bright and fulfilling 2015, packed with love, the simple joy of being, and success in the pursuit of pleasure.
Big hugs and love,
Julia, Markus & Sophia